It's been awhile since I've posted anything. So I thought I would show you what I've been working on for the past couple of months. For toughs of you that follow this blog you'll remember that awhile back I announced the beta of my Platform game "House Life Adventures." After which several people tested the first level of the game. since the betas release a lot of aspects of the game have been changed. Difficulty levels have been dropped, check points have been added, and the screen now follows your character when you jump (instead of having the screen suddenly jump up when your character hits it) , and sound leveling has been changed. Other than that I have added 3 new levels to the game, and an over world.
The first level is the original beta level called "Mungul Jungle." Much of this level remains the same. Some background graphics have been updated to match the new levels overall look.
The second level is called "Cliff Top Panic." This level focuses on the players ability to grab on to ledges to reach new heights.
The third level, "River Side Dive" is all about water elements. In this level the player must learn to deal with waterfalls, and creepy spiders.
The fourth level "Lake Bottom Tarrance" is your classic underwater level. This level is by far the most challenging due to the fact that the player's attack ability is disabled.
So there you have it the next 3 levels of House Life Adventures. Right now I am working on the fifth level "Beach Side Frenzy" and the end of World Boss. I'm hoping to have this new beta uploaded by the end of the month. So look for it's release soon.